Forsaken Throne is a plane where four musicians, each with distinct influences, experiences, motivations, and paths, converge at once from seemingly random motion to a perfect singularity. This singularity is where Forsaken Throne exists. Forsaken Throne is a multiple of its parts and a delicate balance between musicians who would be incompatible in any other setting. But the music cannot be separated from any member of the band, nor can any member be separated from the music.
Forsaken Throne is an exceptional experience of surprise in a familiar setting. It is orderly chaotic, peacefully tormenting, and gut wrenchingly uplifting. Heavy modern elements fused with classical textures bring evocative melodies and otherworldly harmonies in a way that fully satisfies musical thrill seekers and passive listeners alike. Each song is its own drama from which a different meaning can be found by everyone and each song stands alone in defiance of interpretation.
‘The Metaphysical’ is the story of Forsaken Throne and the visceral experience of four friends being brought together by destiny and the undeniable compulsion to create.

Peter Tinari
Guitar / Keyboards
Peter’s guitar playing is refined, dexterous, and intense with precision and a true sense of composition. His keyboard passages and orchestral arrangements are wrought with tenderness and emotion, always driving the momentum forward. He finally brings it all together as the mastermind in the studio.
Craig Santangelo
Drums / Vocals
Craig’s drums penetrate the heavens - tribal and primal, flashy and bombastic, syncopated and heart pounding, right down to a tight metered pocket. His voice cries out from the deep, massive and commanding, the voice of Forsaken Throne and the bringer of life and blood.

Matt Contino
Matt’s guitar work is aggressive, deliberate, blisteringly fast, and tragically patient. His haunting melodies taunt the soul and linger in the sub-conscious. Matt’s musical instinct is strong and he is always the voice of reason, even when it seems to the contrary.
Robert Tinari
Bass Guitar
Robert’s thunderous bass lines firmly anchor the turmoil of sonic emotion. Always a constant force, he brings power and authority to an otherwise lawless landscape. Robert’s conviction and sense of purpose are evident in his determined confident delivery.